Masincedisane Pre-School Re-opens on Mandela Day

Almost two months after a devastating fire destroyed a large area of Masiphumelele the Masincedisane Pre-School has re-opened. The pre-school was one of over 200 buildings that was completely destroyed as we reported back in May. While the students have been housed in temporary accommodation elsewhere the pre-school has been completely rebuilt.

MN1Projekt Ubuntu (another of the NGO’s working in Masiphumelele) has funded the rebuild, while Masicorp is assisting with further donations following our successful emergency fire appeal. The picture below shows the principal Mandisa with Candi Horgan from Projekt Ubuntu and Milli Firth from Masicorp.

MN5The keys were handed over to Mandisa on 18 July (Mandela Day) – a symbolic date in the South African calender. The date is the birthday of the late Nelson Mandela when all South African are encouraged to give their time to community projects in their area in memory of the former president.


We would also like to thank the drummers and dancers of the eMzantsi carnival who brought music and dance to the event.

MN3Mandisa finished the event with a speech in which she thanked project Ubuntu and Masicorp and other donors for their assistance.


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